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Super Natural Normal

The other night right when I was falling asleep, I saw the Wicked Witch of the West in my head.


It felt like the image came completely out of nowhere. I could see her face and black outfit vividly. It reminded me how terrified I was of her as a kid...A flash of that memorable green face was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

being an animal communicator with my friend's dog wasn't scary

The next morning, I saw that my boyfriend had shared an Instagram video with me right around the time I was falling asleep. It was a clip of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood from 1975, where Margaret Hamilton (who played the Wicked Witch of the West) was a guest.


That may sound weird and crazy — when I saw the video, my own brain tried to find a logical explanation for my vision of the witch the night before, because what are the chances?  In reality, I had received intuitive information about my boyfriend’s energy field as he shared the video. I hadn’t tried to connect in with him — it just came to me as I was dozing off. This isn’t because my job is a psychic medium. It’s because we’re all energetically connected (especially relationship partners, friends, and family members including our animals). And this is normal!


A few years back when I was visiting my friend Diana, I did a reading for her and her dog. Yogi was older and he was so precious to Diana that she was often very worried about his health and happiness. They were both so precious to me (and I was a bit of an animal communication newbie at the time) that I went into the reading feeling pressure and fear that I would let both of them down.


But each time I closed my eyes and connected with Yogi, Diana noticed he’d look right at me. Every time I opened my eyes to tell Diana what Yogi had said, he’d look right at Diana. He calmly looked back and forth at us following the energy the whole time, like this intuitive conversation was the most normal thing ever. Because it was.


One day years ago, I got onto a city bus and without thinking sat right next to the only other person on the bus. As soon as I took the seat I thought, “What am I doing? Why did I sit here?” And, “She’s going to think I’m crazy!” I was actually really freaked out by it.


The woman and I struck up a conversation and she ended up confiding in me that she’d just received a serious diagnosis. I was able to be there to listen to her and talk to her about angels (which she brought up and is one of my favorite topics). I hadn’t tried to be psychic in that moment, but I’d received subconscious guidance to sit next to someone who needed support. How great that that’s the normal way energy works!


When I first started to study mediumship, there was part of me that was scared to go there. I kept remembering a couple of woo-woo experiences I’d had as a child that had completely freaked me out. It was like I had to work through a past trauma of this thing I had misunderstood as a kid…which turned out to be the woo-woo stuff that actually felt right and really good as an adult.


Many of my clients experience intuitive hits, but doubt they’re real. It’s just because we’re unaccustomed to focusing on energetic information…receiving info that way feels like the unknown and that can be scary. But this psychic ability is literally how we as humans operate. We’re just as naturally intuitive as animals — they just know it’s an intrinsic part of who they are way more than we do.


In that Instagram video, Mr. Rogers and Margaret spoke kindly about how she’s just a nice lady who dressed up in black and put on a cackle-y voice for the movie. She even put the witch outfit on over her dress and explained it was just like a fun Halloween costume. My heart filled as I watched Mr. Rogers and the actress team up to decode the trauma that so many kids must have experienced from her iconic performance. See world, Margaret is normal and nice!  


A lot of things we think are scary aren’t actually scary at all.


Thankfully we have the back story of Wicked, too, that explains how being different and misunderstood and wonderfully sensitive doesn’t mean you’re bad or weird. It actually gives you a beautiful power — to be your full, true self. 💜



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