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Moving Into the Unexpected

This Friday will mark a year since we signed the lease on our apartment, and it’s got me thinking how far a shift in attitude can get you.

animal communication with a cat

Last year, we had a list of literally nine specific requirements that we wanted in a new home—from layout, to floor location, to needing the closest subway station to have elevator access for the musician boyfriend who commutes with amps and guitars. So my go-to thought was, “It’s going to be so hard to find a new place we love that checks all the boxes in the next few weeks.”

Around this time, I had a reading with a client who randomly mentioned to me, “Yeah, I’ve always had great luck finding amazing places to live at an affordable rent.” This blew my mind. It was so easy for her to believe this of herself! So I decided to adopt that self-definition: It’s easy for me to find the place of our dreams. Then I went into full manifesting mode and reminded myself that the universe will exceed expectations every time. Whatever I could dream up, the universe could do better.

After about a week and a half of searching, we went to see a place that was out of our budget range, but had looked incredibly amazing online. In person, it was in really bad shape, though. When the agent for that apartment saw how dejected we were, he offered to show us another place nearby that he said was such a great deal, he didn’t list it and would only show to people he knew. We shrugged our shoulders and said yeah, we’d take a look.

That apartment is the one we live in now, that met not only all nine of our requirements, but many more (including being in close proximity to a good friend, plus being that great deal the agent mentioned).

Three years ago on the eve of having surgery that I had tons of anxiety and fear about, I decided to change my attitude and know that beautiful things would happen the next day, including that I’d be put in the path of a Michael, so I’d know Archangel Michael was protecting me. The next morning in pre-op, a kind man approached me, and said, “Hi, I’m Michael, your anesthesiologist.” His name tag was the last thing I saw before I went under. And the next morning a doctor named Michael came to my room to check on me.

Three times in my life, I consciously made a shift and decided I was ready to adopt a cat (but didn’t tell anyone). Each of those times a different friend randomly reached out to me about a cat who needed a home, which is how I found my beloved Willow, Nell, and Calla.

The more aware we can be of the energy we hold, the more we can do to shift it and bring abundance in. It’s important to feel what we feel, but it’s always beneficial to process and move through what we experience...and choose the vibration of love and gratitude over fear, anxiety, or worry. Plus, when you get two Michaels anytime you order one, you know the sky’s the limit.

Emily Dickinson wrote, “I dwell in possibility.” I dwell there too and the neighborhood’s amazing. ❤️🏡

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