I live in Brooklyn, and I stay updated on the coronavirus by watching Governor Cuomo’s live updates. Yesterday I listened to him relay the astronomical number of cases in New York State versus the rest of the country. The amount of ventilators and hospital beds needed is unimaginable. Cuomo refers to New York as being “first through the chute,” meaning, currently we have the most positive cases, we’re learning as we go, and we’ll pass on our experience and equipment as other states’ positive cases increase crazy-rapidly in succession.

I noticed that I had sunk more and more under a blanket as Cuomo’s talk went on. Knowing the facts and staying informed are important to me. But what are our brains and hearts supposed to do with that information?
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know that I’ve been pulling spirit animal oracle cards (the Colette Baron-Reid deck) for guidance every day for the past few days. The messages coming through have been about remaining calm and strong through uncertainty, knowing that Spirit has a plan for us, and how faith and hope lead to miraculous things.
Today I pulled the Snake card which says “Time to heal.” The guidebook for the Snake card says “All of us will have tender emotions at times. Be gentle with yourself and others now. Unburden yourself of anything that no longer supports wellness, prosperity, positive relationships, and well-being, and open the door for healing to occur.”
Think about what we’re seeing around us. Blue skies are visible where they were polluted before. Water is clearing and dolphins are frolicking in the Venice canals. They’re the first signs that the earth and animals are becoming unburdened of things that don’t support their wellness. Now it’s humanity’s turn to focus on and allow that healing in.
At the end of Cuomo’s talk yesterday he spoke of love: “New York loves all of you. Black and white and brown and Asian and short and tall and gay and straight. New York loves everyone. That's why I love New York. It always has, it always will. And at the end of the day, my friends, even if it is a long day, and this is a long day, love wins. Always. And it will win again through this virus."
Maryanne Williamson spoke of love at the democratic debates…which spurred jokes from a lot of my favorite comedians and tons of ribbing on social media. Now the stakes are way up and maybe people are more in a place to listen.
I’m choosing to listen to love.
Sending love and healing to all of you! ❤️