Three weeks ago I posted about unicorns and how they, and the magic in everyday life, are real.
Another unicorn has just proved this theory, and his name is Basil.

It is with great glee that I announce Basil the cat is back with my niece Sam, after nearly two months of sewing his wild oats on a college campus.
I wrote about his runaway status back in September. This whole time, Basil (age three) has been sighted here and there but always made it clear he was enjoying his adventure, being a total boss, and not ready in any way to come back.
A few weeks ago, a fellow animal communicator connected with Basil and told him it was soon going to get very cold. He responded by saying, “So what!”, but also, “Well, maybe I’ll let myself be caught at some point…” But he made no specific promises.
Two weeks ago as it began to get cold, Basil started appearing outside Sam’s dorm for the first time, allowing himself to be seen but not caught. I had the feeling he was telling her to prepare for his return.
Two days ago, after seeing a Basil flyer, an elderly woman contacted Sam and told her Basil had been visiting her every morning at 6:30 AM for nearly two months. Then when yesterday he showed up to the woman’s home at 11:30 AM instead, the woman caught him, and Sam was able to get there immediately since it was right when she got out of class.
Basil checked out fine at the vet. Turns out he has gained a half a pound, mostly muscle. (Re: total boss, climbing trees, living off the land (and kind old ladies)).
Prior to taking off, Basil was a constant lap cat and wouldn’t leave Sam alone. Now that he’s back, he respects her space, but is super loving and affectionate too.

I connected with Basil this morning and he came through totally content, saying that he respects Sam, and Sam respects him. He also made it clear this whole thing was on his terms. He wanted to have this adventure, for as long as he wanted to have it. And when he was ready to come home, he did it his way, making it the easiest experience possible for Sam.
Even though the past two months were harrowing and stressful for Sam, she never stopped respecting Basil and his wishes. “As a young person, I like to have my own adventures too, so I get it,” she said to me today.
The unknown is so crazy scary. But if we can respect it and trust it, the rewards are amazing. It’s called faith in the universe, faith in things you can’t always understand. Respecting it and allowing it to unfold clears the way for balance and love. And for a black cat to come home for Halloween.
It’s all about the magic. 🙌